Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Black Square Designs

Order & Increase
Bold & Congested
Tension & Playful

The Black Square Designs are the first artistic assignment we received. We had to create 8 different templates for each of the different designs. We had a limited square to create our designs in, and we could use up to 4 squares. After we finished, we were required to pick 1 from each design and enlarge it on another template. After that, we were to use the computers at school and create the squares on Adobe Illustrator. After finishing and printing that out, we had to mount it on black stock paper, with a 1cm border on each side.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

About the Dreamer

My name is Stephh.
Here I will be posting several works of art that I have completed in my Media Arts class at Father Michael McGivney. The reason for the title of my blog is for the type of artwork I do. My art is based off of my imagination and dreaming. Objects which dont look like what is percieved by normal society is all due to my views, as a unique individual, and see things differently from others, which is reflected in my artwork.
Please enjoy!