Sunday, October 3, 2010

Less is More

The Less is More assignment is the second artistic assignment we had. We had to pick something (be it a plant, animal, or object) and create 6 different views of it. First was the original, then we zoom in for the 2nd one, zoom again for the 3rd, inverted the colour of the 3rd to make the 4th, add 1 colour for the 5th image, and finally, with 6th image will be the full coloured image from the 3rd step.

I experimented with my Wacom Bamboo Tablet and Corel Painter Essentials 4 (The program that was included with it) I never tried to make proper art with it before, so this is a first time for me. I think it came out pretty well. Although I'm not quite familiar with the layers and such yet, I believe i have a firm grasp of opacity and the different types of brushes.

I chose a cherry blossom branch. I always loved the Japanese culture, so this is one of the first Japanese influenced art types. I wanted a very basic, nonrealistic looking image for my resource and gradually add more effects to make it look realistic. Below is me reference image.

It is a simple napkin with a little design in the corner. I added more detail in my artwork and eventually became a piece that I'm proud of. Look forward to more of my artwork   : )