Title: And new life blossoms from the ruins.
Artist: Klaus Staeck
Date: 1982
The first impression of the image that I had was that it was very simple. As soon as I saw it the message it was sending was very clear to me. Although there could always be a much deeper meaning than what I perceive it to be, the image is very clear. The tree, the only coloured part of the image, stands in the middle. The dominance of this plant is very interesting as it is obvious that it was added onto the background but it seems to fit in together with everything. I believe that is because of the way the highways overlap and seems as if It is going over the tree’s bark and roots. Various curves are used in the image as highways. If I were to think thoroughly, I would say that the highways lead a path for you to look at, but in actuality, it doesn't seem to be that way for me. It seems very bland and dull due to the monochrome colour, and since they all seem like that could stem from the tree, my attention stays on the tree. If I were to point out any form of movement, it would be the cars at the top and bottom of the image.
I believe the purpose of the image is for the artist to state that there are many things humans create. We keep making and keep destroying. Even though we make sure bad use of our surroundings, there is always room for life. Life can appear anywhere at any time.